4 Things You Need to Know About Your Dental Checkups

Dental checkups are more thorough and comprehensive than many people realize. Our dentist takes great care to provide a thorough examination of the entire oral cavity to help members of our community maintain vibrant oral health. Following are five things you need to know about your dental checkups.

Gum Health

During a dental examination, a dentist will take a very close look at the health of the gingiva. By examining the appearance of the gums along with measuring the depth of periodontal pockets between the gum line and teeth, our team can determine whether a person has gum disease and estimate the extent of the disease’s impact.

If we find signs of periodontal (gum) disease, we will develop a custom treatment plan for our patients that can include advanced dental cleanings, non-surgical periodontal therapy, and prescription medications.

Enamel Health

Our tooth enamel protects our teeth from debris and harmful bacteria in our mouths. Enamel is strong because it is composed of minerals. When tooth enamel is healthy, cavity-causing bacteria cannot break through its structure. If tooth enamel is damaged, however, teeth are very vulnerable to developing decay or fractures.

When our team finds signs of enamel loss, we will likely recommend increased vigilance during oral hygiene, a reduction in sugary and acidic foods, and fluoride treatments. A fluoride treatment is a non-invasive method for strengthening teeth by replenishing the mineral content of tooth enamel.

Dental Caries

Most people know that dental checkups include screenings for dental caries (cavities). Treating tooth decay as early as possible helps preserve biological tooth structure along with patients’ time and money because cavities are more simple and affordable to treat in their early stages. We use the latest diagnostic technology to evaluate the health of teeth – above and below the gums.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancers can develop anywhere in the mouth. They commonly form on the tongue, roof of the mouth, and linings of the lips and cheeks. Every dental checkup involves evaluating soft tissues for discrepancies in color and texture that might signify an abnormality. As with other health conditions, early detection greatly increases the odds of enjoying a favorable prognosis.

If it’s time to schedule your next dental exam, contact the office of Dr. Daggula today.


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